TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: KAWAGUCHI Kana




1991年大阪府生まれ。大阪市立大学卒。14歳の時、ホームレス問題に出会い、ホームレス襲撃事件の根絶を目指して、講演活動や100人規模のワークショップを開催。高校2年生時にはボランティア親善大使として渡米し、ワシントンD.C.での国際会議に参加した。大学2年生の4月にNPO法人「Homedoor」を設立。ホームレスや生活保護受給者への就労リハビリを提供する、シェアサイクル「HUBchari」事業で52名へ雇用創出を行う。CVG経済産業大臣賞、大学生OF THE YEAR 2011初代グランプリ、日経
WOMAN OF THE YEAR若手リーダー部門等を受賞。


President of NPO, Homedoor

Kawaguchi was born in Osaka in 1991 and graduated from Osaka City University. She is the President of the NPO, Homedoor, an NPO helping the homeless. At age 14, Kawaguchi discovered the problems homeless people face and organized lectures and workshops with over 100 participants to address this problem to the public. In her 2nd year of high school, she became a Volunteer Goodwill Ambassador and participated in an international conference in Washington, D.C. While a university student she founded Homedoor and “HUBchari”, a project to help homeless and those receiving livelihood protection to find jobs, ultimately creating 52 jobs. Kawaguchi has been awarded the CVG Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry Award, Japan University Student of the Year Award of 2011, and the Nikkei Women of the Year Award (Youth Leader Section).

TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: TOMOBE Haruka







Kyoto University, Faculty of Agriculture,  3rd year student

Tomobe was born in Ibaraki Prefecture. The satisfaction he gets from seeing people enjoying the vegetables he cultivates motivates Tomobe to grow crops at his farm in Maibara City, Shiga Prefecture. As a member of the Crop Science Society of Japan, he is conducting research on the DNA of daizu (dried soybeans) and founded the Agricultural Platform iSA, searching for a means to create sustainable agriculture. He hopes that iSA will become a platform for the integration of agricultural knowledge from a biological, engineering and economic point of view. Combining the perspectives of a farmer with those of an academic, Tomobe will provide us with a new perspective of agriculture.


TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: IIYOSHI Toru




京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター教授。カーネギー財団上級研究員・同知識メディア研究所所長、東京大学大学院情報学環客員教授、マサチューセッツ工科大学教育イノベーション・テクノロジー局シニアストラテジストなどを経て現職。世界経済フォーラム グローバル・アジェンダ評議会委員(「テクノロジーと教育」部門)、NHK日本賞審査委員などを歴任。国内外でテクノロジーを利用した教育の進展に関するビジョン策定・研究開発・啓蒙活動に従事。主著に『Opening Up Education』(MIT Press, 2008)[共編]『ウェブで学ぶ – オープンエデュケーションと知の革命』[共著](筑摩書房, 2010)など。


Educational innovator

Dr. Iiyoshi is a professor at the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education at Kyoto University. He served as a senior scholar and the Director of the Knowledge Media Laboratory at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies of the University of Tokyo, and the Senior Strategist in the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology at MIT. He was member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Technology and Education, and on the jury committee for the NHK Japan Prize. Dr. Iiyoshi also works with various national and international initiatives, projects, and organizations as an advisor to provide vision and leadership in the development and penetration of innovative educational technology. He is the co-editor of "Open Up Education" (MIT Press, 2008) and the co-author of "Learning with the Web – Open Education and the Knowledge Revolution" (Chikuma Shobou, 2010).

TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: MURABAYASHI Yuki



退蔵院 絵師

妙心寺退蔵院 絵師。兵庫県神戸市出身。京都造形芸術大学情報デザイン学科卒業、同大学院芸術研究科修士課程修了。2008年に「AMUSE ARTJAM in Kyoto」グランプリ、「JEANS FACTORY ART AWARD 2008」優秀賞、2009年に「GALLERY RAKU 2010」プロジェクト賞を受賞。学生時代は少女漫画を基調とした絵画や、巨大なドローイングを中心に描き、精力的に活動。2011年、文化財の保存と若手芸術家の育成を目的に、妙心寺退蔵院と同大が共同で進める「退蔵院方丈襖絵プロジェクト」の絵師に抜擢される。400年前の絵師と同じように寺に住み込み、日々修行を重ねて禅への理解を深めつつ、退蔵院方丈(本堂)の襖絵64面に水墨画で挑む。


Resident artist of Taizo-in temple in Myoshinji Zen school

Murabayashi was born in Kobe and is currently a resident artist of Taizo-in temple in the Myoshinji Zen school. After graduating from the Department of Information Design at Kyoto University of Art and Design, she continued her studies in Art Research at Kyoto Graduate School of Art and Design. Murabayashi was awarded the Grand Prize at “AMUSE ARTJAM in Kyoto”, Award of Excellence at “JEANS FACTORY ART AWARD 2008”, and a Project Award at “GALLERY RAKU 2010”. During her school years, Murabayashi focused on shojo-manga based art and massive drawings. In 2011, in hopes of preserving Japanese cultural heritage and educating young artists, she began to take part in the “Taizo-in Hojo Fusuma-e Painting Project”, organized by Taizo-in temple and Kyoto University of Art and Design. Throughout the duration of this project, just like the painters of 400 years ago, she will be living in the temple while she completes the 64 sliding door paintings, using traditional black ink.



TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: Yeo Inhyeok




よう いんひょく



Inhyeok Yeo


Yeo was born in Seoul, Korea in 1987, and recently graduated from Kyoto University, Faculty of Economics. After serving mandatory military service in Korea for 2 years, he returned to graduate from Kyoto University.  While a student, Yeo recorded a video production of Michael Jackson’s “Thriller”, using only his voice to sing all instruments and vocals. His YouTube video of “Thriller” went viral and received attention from around the world. He is currently working at a company in Tokyo, releasing his projects from time to time keeping alive his dream of one day winning a Grammy Award.

TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: MAKIURA Doga



ブローカー / e-Education ルワンダ代表

e-Education Project ルワンダ代表。中学時代に自らの意志で志望した英国ボーディングスクール(寄宿制中高等教育学校)を卒業後、ギャップイヤー中の19歳。現在は、アフリカ諸国での農業ビジネスや、DVD教材を利用して途上国の教育格差の解消を図ろうとする「e-Education」プロジェクトなどに携わっている。インドでのチャリティー団体コーディネートやファッションショー運営の実績と経験をもとに、若さを武器にした行動力で世界を駆け巡る。


Broker / Representative of the Rwanda e-Education Project

Doga is 19 years old and just recently graduated from an English boarding school. He is a representative of the Rwanda e-Education Project, currently devoting his time to agricultural business in Africa and the Rwanda "e-Education Project" and hopes to reduce the educational gap by providing DVDs for children in developing countries. He also coordinated a charity organization and organized a fashion show in India. With his youth and energy, he is actively taking part in many activities around the world.




TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: Tehu




クリエイター / プロデューサー / パーソナリティー



Creator / Producer / Personality

Tehu is a 3rd year student at Nada High School in Kobe. While a student at Nada Junior High School, he taught himself programming and received attention for creating the iPhone application, “Health Calculator”. His activities shifted from computer science to media arts and he has taken part in many projects as a creative director and designer, playing an active role in broadcasting "Ustream" productions, as a regular internet-radio personality and producer of music groups.