Staff / TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013

Agathe Schwaar

Austin Winstél

Aya Shindo

Ayako Ichikawa

Camreon Bongan

Chris Leung

Dai Matsui

Gaku Murakami

Hayato Ichigi

Hiroyuki Kinoshita

Ivan Lee

Javier Montaño

Jenniffer Groceman

John Melde

Jung Jae Ik

Kairi Murata

Kanako Takamoto

Kantaro Ohara

Kaori Isobe

Kayo Onoduka

Kazuki Kitano

Kazuki Mochinushi

Kennichi Morita

Kenta Fujii

Kojiro Ozaki

Kota Okada

Kouhei Hayashida

Lianca Van Der Merwe

Maho Hatayama

Maki Yoshikawa

Mami Kishimoto

Mao Horikoshi

Mari Kozuka

Marino Takemura

Masakazu Otsuka

Mayuka Yamada

Miho Tateishi

Mikako Sakai

Miyuki Torii

Mizuhiro Suzuki

Mizuki Yamashita

Nanako Fukuda

Naoka Hamada

Natsumi Nakagawa

Nicolas Guarin

Nobuyasu Kawashima

Rena Nagai

Ryo Toyosaki

Sarita Worravitudomsuk

Saya Ueno

Sayaka Kato

Sayumi Kawashima

Shinichi Sunami 

Shinsaku Hayashida

Shinsuke Sato

Shinya Yakima

Shoichi Tomura

Shoko Kitamura

Shota Kinoshita

Shuta Sugimoto

Silvia Del Caño Cobo 

Takami Sugiyama

Takeshi Suzuki

Takuto Maruyama

Teruhisa Inui

Tomoko Kigaku

Tomoya Asano

Yasuhiro Imai

Yohsuke Chiai

Yoshitaka Miura

Yuka Esashi

Yuki Okimori

Yukito Kondo

Yuma Matsumoto

Yunfei Pu

Yusuke Sasai

Yusuke Yamamoto






6月中旬に公開された「TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013」のメインビジュアル。

まず、"Possibility of Ideas" をテーマとして掲げている今回のイベントが焦点を当てているのは、「大学の多様性と可能性」。




―「TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013」まで、あと6日です。


Main visual for TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 was released in mid-June.

It has been used in all of our media - blog, official posters, other covers and facebook page. This represents the "face" of TEDxYouth@Kyoto. This visual was specially designed for this event by the main staff team. We would like to explain a little bit about it.

First, this event theme is about "Possibility of Ideas". It has a focus on the "potential and diversity of University". Not only being an ancient capital, Kyoto also has many universities which comes with the potential and diversity of many field of studies. We see Kyoto as a place where it leads the spread of dynamic ideas. This is expressed by the colorful ripples.

Having students involved in university activities, going beyond their boundaries of institution and field of study, we see a variety of possibilities that reborn from the ripple. This image is represented by watercolor.

The color 'Blue" (青) is the key color of the whole picture. “青二才” is a Japanese saying which means immaturity. On the other hand, in saying "青は藍より出でて藍より青し” ("The pupil has outdone the master."), blue is used as a color that indicates the great potential where young people can grow. Just like the color of blue, being a student that has not yet reached maturity state comes with an infinite possibilities.

We hope enjoy our explanation and take a moment to reflect on the main visual as a reflection of TEDxYouth@Kyoto concept.

―We are only 6 days away from TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013!
Join us on Livestream.


"TEDx" についての公式の紹介ビデオが、先日Youtubeに公開されました!
TEDのCuratorであるChris Anderson氏が、「TEDxとは何か?」をわかりやすい英語で説明しています。
実は昨年開催された「TEDxKids@Chiyoda 2012」は、TEDxの公式ブログで "Best Practices" の一つとして取り上げられるなど、TEDxイベントとして世界的にも高い評価を受けているのです。

先日、そんな「TEDxKids@Chiyoda」のfacebookページでも、いよいよ9日後に迫った「TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013」の情報をご紹介いただきました!
当日は公式ページ上でライブ中継をお届けするので、ぜひスクリーンを通して "Ideas worth spreading" の場にご参加ください。

▼公式ページ 詳細・スピーカー情報はこちら


Introduction video of "TEDx" was posted on Youtube!

Chris Anderson, the owner and curator of TED, described what TEDx is. And in this video, some photos of our TEDx community in Japan "TEDxKids@Chiyoda" appeared in the video three times! This makes us very happy to see!
Also, TEDxKids@Chiyoda 2012 was mentioned as "Best Practices" on the TEDx official blog. Out of all the TEDx events, TEDxKids@Chiyoda 2012 received high praise worldwide.

The other day, facebook page of TEDxKids@Chiyoda also introduced TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 event which will be held in only 9 nights away!
No matter where you are in the world, please join us at TEDxYouth@Kyoto on "Ideas worth spreading" through Livestream - broadcasting live!

▼ Official page




TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 PV公開!

TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 ¨Possibility of Ideas ...



TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013

The goal of our upcoming TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 event—”Possibility of Ideas”, to be held at Kyoto University of Art and Design, is to stimulate the university community which will bear the future of Japan and to create an event that will bring together a diverse group of people to share their ideas with all of Japan.


Date : June 30, 2013 (SUN)


Livestream and Program :


Twitter: @TEDxYouthKyoto


Animation : 千合洋輔

Camera : Tsuyoshi Ishihara

Photos: Javier Montaño & Nicolas Guarin

Music : Sevish - My Girl is Blue

Editing : Nicolas Guarin