TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: IIYOSHI Toru




京都大学高等教育研究開発推進センター教授。カーネギー財団上級研究員・同知識メディア研究所所長、東京大学大学院情報学環客員教授、マサチューセッツ工科大学教育イノベーション・テクノロジー局シニアストラテジストなどを経て現職。世界経済フォーラム グローバル・アジェンダ評議会委員(「テクノロジーと教育」部門)、NHK日本賞審査委員などを歴任。国内外でテクノロジーを利用した教育の進展に関するビジョン策定・研究開発・啓蒙活動に従事。主著に『Opening Up Education』(MIT Press, 2008)[共編]『ウェブで学ぶ – オープンエデュケーションと知の革命』[共著](筑摩書房, 2010)など。


Educational innovator

Dr. Iiyoshi is a professor at the Center for the Promotion of Excellence in Higher Education at Kyoto University. He served as a senior scholar and the Director of the Knowledge Media Laboratory at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, a visiting professor at the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies of the University of Tokyo, and the Senior Strategist in the Office of Educational Innovation and Technology at MIT. He was member of the World Economic Forum's Global Agenda Council on Technology and Education, and on the jury committee for the NHK Japan Prize. Dr. Iiyoshi also works with various national and international initiatives, projects, and organizations as an advisor to provide vision and leadership in the development and penetration of innovative educational technology. He is the co-editor of "Open Up Education" (MIT Press, 2008) and the co-author of "Learning with the Web – Open Education and the Knowledge Revolution" (Chikuma Shobou, 2010).