TEDxYouth@Kyoto 2013 Speaker: Eddy Joe Reber



エディ ジョー レベル

同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科 グローバルMBAコース卒

アマゾンの熱帯雨林に位置する小さな町、プカルパに生まれ育つ。ペルーの首都リマで数年を過ごした後に、8歳でスイスへ移住。幼少期から途上国と先進国両方での生活を経験した。スイスのオルテンという町にあるUniversity of Applied Sciences卒業後、同志社大学大学院ビジネス研究科のグローバルMBAコースで、グリーン経営指標の開発の研究に取り組む。グリーンビジネスについての講演活動や、同志社大学での「OMRON Responsible Leader Development プロジェクト」の経験から、環境に優しいビジネスモデルについて考えはじめ、特に企業の利益追求と環境破壊について問題意識を持ち始めた。現在は、持続可能なフットウェアの開発に力を入れている。

Eddy Joe Reber

Doshisha Business School, Global MBA Graduate

Eddy was born in Pucallpa, Peru, close to the outskirts of the Amazon rain forest. After living some years in Lima, at 8 years old, he started a new life in Switzerland, experiencing different development stages during his youth. He is a Global MBA graduate student in the Doshisha University Business School, where he is taking the Green Management stream. He is also an International Management graduate from the University of Applied Sciences in Olten, Switzerland. Through his background, personal experience, green business education and the OMRON Responsible Leader Development Project at Doshisha University, Eddy has learned about the importance and need for more environmentally friendly business solutions. He is especially concerned about the contradiction between corporate profits and the exploitation of the eco system to gain those profits. Eddy has decided to pursue his research on sustainable footwear, which combines his two passions - sports and green solutions.